Preparing your home to sell can be a daunting task. There are many small projects you know that will require renovation, repair or simply cleaning up and decluttering. Of course you want the maximum profit and knowing what needs to be done is only apart of it. Getting it done is another story. Trades , who to use , who will show up. Will it just require a handyman or a professional? With these and many more issues you need to have a no obligation conversation with an experienced Real Estate agent to help you navigate the many issues you will face when it becomes time to sell. A Local agent who can help with the trades, the inspectors, the lawyer, the movers and so on. Call Kathy or Lauren. 

Their website has a huge database of buyers that are…

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At for all of our Neighbourhoods and Condo complexes we have Market Reports that analyze whats happening where you live. For instance if you are in Sunnylea  this link will give you the current listings , the Annual sales vs Listings report for 2022 . If you are looking to buy or sell this is vital information that you can receive FREE! Have a look at let us know what you think. And if you have any other information, reports, graphs or anything local please let us know.

This is Sunnylea's 2022 Overview

Here is a Condo Monthly Report for Valhalla Town Square (lots of listings just hiting the market)

P.S. For a Full 9 page PDF Report detailing Total sales, days on market ...and its Free for any Etobicoke…

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