Etobicoke 2021 Condo Reports
If you live in Grand Harbour or want to live there this Sold report is just an inkling of the info you need to make an educated Informed decision about your purchase or sale.
A Full Report will provide Statistics on Active, Sold and Terminated. Square footage and fees and photos are all provided in the report. When comparing you will need to consider the improvements,etc. For current listings for sale on our website for the Grand Harbour Complex and we can supply you with a link or pdf file .
We have seen 43.48% of of the 23 new listings sell, resulting in 10 sales. At this time, no other properties have been sold. Of the 23 new listings, 43.48% have not sold, resulting in 10 listing that are no longer on the market. There have been 4 properties that were sold for above their asking price while 6 properties were sold for under their asking price. At this time we have seen an average days on market of 17. However, we have also seen a median days on market of 10. We have seen an average sales price of $939,600, a median sales price of $866,750. The average per Square foot sale is $791.46. So multiply that figure and you will have an average range of what your condo will sell for or to compare against a current list price. However many facts determine values like the view, the upgrades and inventory. These will factor in everyones decision process.
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