2020 Condo Report 1-15 Michael Power Place Solds, Photos, Info

These numbers and data are reflecting the First Quarter of this year and are supplied through TREB the local Real Estate Board that also supplies Realttor.ca and MLS.ca.

90.91% of the 16 properties listed have sold, resulting in 10 sales. No other properties have been sold at this time. We have seen one of the 11 new properties listed become withdrawn and no available to buyers at this time. 7 properties have sold for above their asking price, 2 properties have sold for below their asking price and one property has sold at it's asking price. When comparing the average sales price of $531,200 to the MLS® wide year-to-date average sales price of $522,657 we are seeing an increase in average sales price by 1.63%. At this time the average days on market is 10 and we have seen a median days on market of 9, an average asking to selling ratio of 1.0245 and a median asking to selling ratio of 1.0014. 

Maintanence Fees range - 6-700 sq ft - $440-485, 7-900 sq ft $569-627 ( depending upon specific size and Parking

 Pets are restricted to under 35 lbs on dogs , Call for latest on number of. 


Posted by Kathy Gordon on


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