Here's an experience , that if you believe may help you just get that winning offer.

Jack Cansfield, a best-selling author relays his own Mothers experience to us in The Secret. Do you believe in Manifest Destiny?

 She was buying a new house and several people besides her had put offers for this particular house. His Mother decided to use The Secret to make that house hers. She sat down and wrote her name and the new address of the house over and over. She continued doing this until it felt as though it was her address. She then imagined placing all of her furniture in that new house. Within hours of doing these things, she received a phone call saying her offer had been accepted. She was so thrilled, but it didn't come as a surprise to her because she knew the house was hers. 

Well if you need help visualizing your dream home, try using our Interactive Floorplan that we have on every home we have listed. You can place your furniture, in all types and sizes, add your colours, view each room in 3D, from walls to windows, doors and make it yours. The software is called Floorplanonline and there is much more that you will find out when you start to play around with it. You can match the furniture with yours or try out a different type of sofa, coffee table, TV stand and see how it works in the space. And you can view your results it in 3D perspective rather than from the ceiling down. And print it so you can show the movers what's going where. #wegetyoumoving

Posted by Kathy Gordon on


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