Edenbridge 255 Kingsway Condos
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Browse Popular Etobicoke Condos
Situated where The Kingsway and Royal York Rd meet is now being developed for the Edenbridge Condos 255 The Kingsway. Where shopping and Garden Townhomes, Exclusive Residences will come together in a Tridel Complex called Edenbridge. You will be right in the Centre of Etobicoke amongst the finest homes and Gardens of Humber Valley neighbourhood. Approximately 1 kilometer from the Royal York Subway your most efficient transit to the Downtown or anywhere in Toronto. If you love to travel the convenience of the Lester B. Pearson Toronto Airport is a 15 minute Taxi ride to the International destinations your business or pleasure desire. It will be the most luxurious Condo living to date in Toronto's West end!