Mimico, Etobicoke, Mimico home of the wild pigeons and Etobicoke "where the alders grow" as the Indian tribes of the day named them. Changes have come and have gone since those early days and what you see today is an active, vibrant community along the lake shore of many new architecturally designed plus environmentally pleasing space.
From the bridge that crosses the river and the paths etched out along the lake, you can enjoy the dog-walking people watching spectacle. " TORONTO" displayed of driftwood sits on the shore across from a City view of our growing skyline. Development rages on in this zone of skyscrapers.
Downsizers, Millenials, from all walks are making this lake front a destination for living and enjoying its lifestyle. A Streetcar to Downtown Toronto and the Billy Bishop Airport and 15 minutes up Royal York Rd to the Gardener QEW up 427 North and you are leaving on a jet plane from our International airport. To search what is available in the Condo Market follow this link to all the Etobicoke Condos in your price range and if you know the building you prefer just click CONDOS (along the top banner) and the drop down list will supply you all the names and addresses of what is currently for sale in your choice.
Posted by Kathy Gordon on
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