"The Last 9"
This is a new feature we are starting to feature the list and sold prices in each of our neighbourhoods and Condos.
Please email us if your Etobicoke neighbourhood or condo is not showing "The Last 9" Infographic .
It will show you the Last 9 MLS listings the List Price, and the Sold price. This will give you an idea if area homes are going for over asking or under.
The Chart is based upon detached homes that have sold recently. The temperature of the local market is revealed and the addresses you can search in Google to determine where in proximity they are to your search. Here is what it looks like and when you click on it it will show you where it comes up in your neighbourhood or Condo. Please let us know if you like it and as we roll it out your neighbourhood or condo will be featured FIRST! This "Last 9" is for Princess Gardens in Etobicoke Central. The map showing the boundaries is on this link.
Posted by Kathy Gordon on
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