Predictions based upon last 8 month statistics give you an idea of what listings and Sales will be like in the last quarter of 2021 for the community of Princess Rosethorn.
As you can see October is predicting the number of listings to be 14 and sales around 8, the same as Novembers predicted sales. Novembers listings being 8 appears the same as Listings. This could say homes not sold in October may make this more possible. December predicts 10 listings and 7 sales. So inventory still being low and homes still selling at an alarming rate and close to asking /list price, the seller market continues. As a buyer the interest rates are low and with the Bank of Mom and Dad helping it still is a good time to buy. Inventory doesnt seem to be changing anytime soon. Real Estate is still a very lucrative business and ever-increasing and a home in Princess Gardens Rosethorn with all of its amenities and location in proximity to the Airport, Downtown and 5 Highways going in all directions. Its pros/cons are mostly positive. So if you wish to be apart of these increasing values get in the market. There are many buyers who feel they may have overspent when buying recently (the last ten years) but the property values are still growing so has their home equity.
Posted by Kathy Gordon on
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